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Securing Your Web Assets at Speed with Veracode DAST Essentials

Thursday, March 7th, 11AM EST
2024-03-07 11:11:01
2024-03-07 12:00:00
Event starting in:

About this Event:

Balancing security with speedy development can be challenging but is more critical than ever. Web applications and APIs have become prime targets for attackers – accounting for over 40% of breaches. Security testing needs to work and scale within your modern software development lifecycle. Veracode DAST Essentials helps developers and security teams make dynamic testing part of their software release process quickly and easily.

Join us Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 11:00AM EST/4:00PM GMT as we demonstrate the innovations of DAST Essentials – a developer-friendly dynamic analysis testing solution. See how you can launch dynamic scans with a few clicks to rapidly find and fix runtime vulnerabilities, helping you secure your web applications and APIs faster than before.

DAST Essentials makes it easy to:

  • Scan your web apps and APIs with a few clicks
  • Launch rapid, on-demand scans earlier in development
  • Integrate with ease into your current dev-stack
  • Find and fix runtime vulnerabilities fast

Reserve your seat today to see how this latest innovation can secure your web assets at speed!

Meet our speakers:

Felix Brombacher Director, Product Management Veracode DAST