Blackbox Testing Techniques
The Pros and Cons of blackbox testing techniques.
Blackbox testing techniques – also known as dynamic analysis – are a crucial component of a comprehensive application security testing protocol. Blackbox testing techniques probe applications in production and have no view of source code and no information about the internal structure of the software. Consequently, black box testing techniques operate similarly to the way an attacker would search an application for vulnerabilities, for example, by inputting malicious code into web forms or shopping carts.
Blackbox testing techniques can be very effective at finding certain kinds of flaws such as input/output validation errors, server configuration mistakes and other application problems. But blackbox testing is also highly resource-intensive to deploy and manage, creating issues for development teams trying to meet aggressive deadlines. And to be successful, blackbox testing techniques must be combined with other testing tools to identify and remediate more vulnerabilities successfully.
That’s where Veracode can help.
Dynamic Analysis in a DevSecOps World
Technology for blackbox testing techniques from Veracode.
Veracode automated software testing solutions help to secure the software that businesses depend on. Seamlessly integrating application security into development, Veracode enables more effective and cost-efficient testing without requiring additional staff, resources or equipment. Veracode solutions include everything from unit testing tools for testing microservices to tools for vendor application security and runtime protection.
Veracode provides blackbox testing techniques as part of its Web Application Scanning (WAS) solution. In addition to dynamic analysis, this technology uses static analysis and software composition analysis to provide a comprehensive approach to finding and fixing software flaws.
With Veracode WAS, software teams can use blackbox testing techniques to search inside debug code, directories, left over source code and resource files to find ODBC connectors, hidden username/passwords and SQL strings that may be used by attackers to hack an application. Veracode’s solution also provides an inventory of all externally facing web applications and runs a lightweight scan to find critical vulnerabilities and prioritize risks.
Benefits of Veracode’s blackbox testing techniques.
Blackbox testing techniques from Veracode enable development teams to:
- Simulate attacks by malicious individuals to find unexpected vulnerabilities that may be missed by other testing techniques.
- Find and fix issues and vulnerabilities in applications before they are shipped.
- Resolved issues faster with a complete report of critical vulnerabilities and detailed guidance for re-creating and fixing flaws.
- Develop longer-term strategies for proactively improving application security throughout the SDLC.
Learn more about blackbox testing techniques from Veracode and about Veracode solutions for improving PCI security and PCI 3.0 compliance.