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Application Security Best Practices

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Application Security Best Practices

What are application security best practices?

Web applications are the number one attack vector for data breaches, yet the majority of organizations fail to adopt application security best practices for protecting software, data and users.

  • Application security best practices include a number of common-sense tactics that include:
  • Defining coding standards and quality controls.
  • Adopting a cross-functional approach to policy building.
  • Creating policies based on both internal and external challenges.
  • Focusing on security rather than on program participation.
  • Using industry standards as a benchmark.
  • Addressing vulnerabilities rather than flaws.
  • Balancing the cost of remediation versus mitigation.

But perhaps first and foremost among application security best practices is the need to integrate testing into the software development process. Developers have often resisted the need to test code as it is written, believing that such assessments would slow the development process, require a change in workflow and be cost prohibitive.

However, with the right tools, implementing application security best practices like testing doesn’t need to be at odds with the needs of your development team. Using a cloud-based testing platform like Veracode can enable you to easily adopt application security best practices in a simple and cost-effective way.

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Veracode combines application security best practices in a cloud-based service.

Veracode offers a unified cloud-based platform that combines automation, process and speed to enable organizations to easily and cost-efficiently adhere to leading application security best practices.

With Veracode, you can seamlessly integrate application security best practices into software development, eliminating vulnerabilities at the very point in the development/deployment chain where it is most cost-effective to do so. As a cloud-based service, Veracode enables you to put a solution in place immediately – without requiring additional staff or equipment – and to see results on day one and constant improvement over time.

How Veracode delivers on application security best practices.

Veracode delivers world-class tools for one of the highest priorities in application security best practices: integrating testing into the software development lifecycle. With Veracode, your developers can model an application, upload the code to the Veracode platform at critical points in the development process, and get test results and remediation guidance quickly – usually within four hours. Veracode enables secure development to be incorporated into both traditional and agile software development lifecycles.

Veracode also provides eLearning and web-based training for developers in application security best practices. Developers can earn certification and CPE credits while enterprises can measure and track developers’ progress, helping to comply with ISO regulations and other industry standards.

Learn more about application security best practices with Veracode.

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