Skilja is a German company, which bundles the experience of more than 20 years of work in the area of document analysis, processing and understanding. Founded in 2012 in Freiburg, Germany, with the explicit goal of providing latest results of research in artificial intelligence and learning systems for the market.
Application Name:
Vinna 3.0
Application Description:
Vinna is a fourth-generation platform for digital document processing. A document can be any kind of information that arrives at an enterprise through various channels and needs to be moved through and into the digitization process. The platform is multi-tenant, supports staging, versioning, assisted deployment and provides built in SLA monitoring of all processes. Vinna is based on a data and document model that is built on transaction safe and scalable storage in modern databases. Using a modular architecture Vinna can be scaled and distributed optimally. Processes with several 100.000 items per day are easily manageable with intelligent load balancing.
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