Veracode Subprocessors

Veracode uses the subprocessors listed below to process customer personal information in connection with the Veracode Platform. Veracode updates this subprocessor list periodically; the last update was made on April 16, 2024. Veracode will notify you of planned updates to its subprocessor list through If you have any objections to Veracode using a subprocessor please send an email to [email protected] stating your reason for the objection. If Veracode does not receive a reasonable objection from you sent to [email protected] within 30 days of receiving notice of Veracode appointing a new subprocessor to this list, you will be deemed to have approved the use of such subprocessor.


Infrastructure & Security

Entity Name

Entity Type


Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Cloud Service Provider

United States, Germany

Okta, Inc.

User Authentication

United States, Germany, Inc.

User Experience

United States

Splunk, Inc.


United States


Marketing & Sales

Entity Name

Entity Type


Salesforce, Inc.

Sales & Marketing Services

United States


Customer Support

Entity Name

Entity Type


Client Success, Inc.

Customer Support Services

United States

Skedulo, Inc.

Customer Support Services

United States

Accion Labs US, Inc.

Customer Support Services

Czech Republic and India


Analytics Providers

Entity Name

Entity Type


Mixpanel, Inc.

Usage analysis, quality assurances


Twilio, Inc. (

Usage analysis, quality assurance

United States

Snowflake, Inc.

Usage analysis, quality assurance

United States