Appsec Knowledge Base search Results

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Java | In a Java XSS attack, attackers identify or discover controls that would enable them to inject scripts into the HTML page via script tags, attributes, and other paths.
.NET | In an ASP.NET XSS attack, attackers identify or discover controls that would enable them to inject scripts into the HTML page via script tags, attributes, and other paths
Java | SQL Injection flaws occur when you create a SQL statement by building a String that includes untrusted data, such as input from a web form, cookie, or URL query-string.
.NET | SQL Injection flaws occur when you create a SQL statement by building a string that includes untrusted data, such as input from a web form, cookie, or URL query-string.
.NET | CWE 915 also known as overpost or mass-assignment, is a flaw where an application accepts input data and does not control which elements are allowed to be modified
As the use of open source code in development projects continues to grow exponentially, software development teams must take great pains to address open source risk.
A dynamic analysis security testing assessment, or DAST assessment, is a crucial part of any web application security testing program.
A Dynamic Analysis Test can find vulnerabilities in enterprise web applications using the same techniques attackers would use. Learn more.
A data breach prevention strategy is an important part of any organization’s ability to manage and protect information. Learn more.
Read our guide to Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Data Loss and Data Leakage. Discover why it is important and the Veracode solutions to stop the problem.