/mar 27, 2017

10 Gadgets and Skills of Superhero Developers [INFOGRAPHIC]

By John Zorabedian

Developers perform heroic feats every day, frequently at night, and sometimes on weekends. You might not always get the recognition you deserve, but you still need to keep your skills sharp to survive in a fast-moving Agile or DevOps shop.

When you master the skills and tools you need to do your job well, you'll get an uplifting confidence from self-improvement, feel empowered to try new ideas, and experience a surge in productivity. Check out this fun infographic for a look at 10 skills, gadgets, and personal attributes that help make you a superhero developer.

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By John Zorabedian

John Zorabedian is a blogger, content marketer, and research editor. He has a background in marketing and journalism, writing about IT security, technology, business, politics and culture. He lives and works in the Boston area.